Account Manager


5+ years
Email address
Salary expectation
Advertising agencies were once at the core of a brand's business. Then the advertising industry committed hara-kiri by dividing into increasingly impotent parts called 'strategy', 'creative', 'digital', 'performance', 'media buying' and such - and, over time, lost its seat at the marketing table.

Pinstorm is one lone agency that has bucked this trend. We believe brands need all these services and more under one roof, and that's what we have offered, since 2004. This rebelliously different approach has helped us become the first India-based global MNC agency - with offices in Netherlands, UAE and Nepal.

We sit at the table with our clients from around the world - helping them with everything from product design to performance marketing, brand positioning to broadcast ads, ads to apps, media buying to measurement, interactive websites to influencer management.

Clients like this approach - and we now need more people who can work for us with them. You can call this role client management, brand partner, account service, account planning, brand planning, account management or what you will - but if you have at 5 years' to 15 years' experience working in an agency or working at a client managing their agency, we may have a place for you.

The role is 100% remote from anywhere on earth, but as we had to pick one geography (thanks LinkedIn, for defining 'remote work' by geography!) we put 'India' - as that's the time schedule we work with.

If you like the idea of being at the center of activity while growing brands, write to us. Don't just attach your LinkedIn profile - but put down a paragraph on what you think sucks about the client management role in advertising and how you think it should be set right.

The best submissions may get job offers!